Which program are you requesting?
A Shot of Reality: Alcohol Prevention and Harm Reduction - As a result of participating in this program you will be able to: Identify standard drink sizes, Define Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) level and tolerance, Identify myths and truths of
sobering up, Define alcohol poisoning and know how to respond to it, Identify ways to consume alcohol in less risky ways.
Prioritize Your Mind: Mental Wellbeing Starts from Within - As a result of participating in this program, you will be able to: Define mental health, Identify stress and major college stressors, Provide support and resources to peers, Learn
and practice stress relieving exercises, Understand the importance of time management, Reduce stigma associated with mental health, Promote mental health awareness.
Relationship Reset: Foundations to a Healthy Relationship - After participating in this presentation, you will be able to: Define relationship violence, Define consent, Identify different kinds of relationships, Differentiate between healthy,
unhealthy, and abusive relationships, Understand how to help a friend, Identify resources on & off campus, Know where to report and how.